Useful Puppy Potty Training Tips

Handling a new pet might seem like a daunting task but with enough patience you can train your pup to obey your commands. Before you train them to perform tricks for your guests, you need to ensure that your pet is potty trained.

For most folks a puppy is equivalent to a child and they take utmost care of their pet. Just like little babies need to be toilet trained, puppy potty training is also important. Do not overfeed the puppy or allow it to chew things that might upset their stomach frequently.

You can buy them chewing toys to keep it from swallowing and chewing harmful stuff. Use a soft but stern voice to make your pet understand that they need to go outside to pee. Use a certain word to indicate that the puppy needs to go out for potty, this always seems to work. The puppy will start association that word with the deed.

Puppy potty training is an important part of caring for the pet. To encourage the puppy, offer them treats every time they successfully perform as told or if they are making less mess. Positive responses and encouragements help them to learn and perform better and also to bond with their owner.

These are some of the helpful tips to get your puppy potty trained. Remember that puppies are very sensitive and they need to be handled with love and care rather than a stern voice. Try teaching them patiently and watch them yap with happiness. To know more useful tips, visit

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